The NHL was founded in 1917 and it took 50 years for the Racist NHL to have just 10 Indigenous Hockey Players. Taffy Abel was ‘The First’ NHL Indigenous Hockey Player in 1926 and he also broke the “NHL Color Barrier” in 1926. Despite numerous requests, the NHL’s Gary Bettman and the NHL Board of Governors have refused to fully recognize the Trail Blazing Native American accomplishments of Taffy Abel to the game of hockey. All the while Bettman deceptively pushes the false NHL narrative that the African American Willie O’Ree broke the NHL Color Barrier in 1958. By doing this, Bettman and the NHL favors one race over another. That’s Systemic Racism pure and simple. Such brings shame and ridicule to the NHL and NHL Hockey Players.


Systemic Racism against Native Americans in the 20th century was a complex and multifaceted issue. It manifested itself in a variety of ways, including through government policies, NHL and sports league policies, economic discrimination, job discrimination, and social prejudice. This Systemic Racism in the NHL continues in 1924.

Taffy Abel, a USA citizen and a Native American, was born at the beginning of the 20th century in 1900. In 1926 he joined the NHL ... which was then a rampantly discriminatory and “ALL WHITE” sports organization.

There is no question that Taffy Abel broke the NHL Color Barrier in 1926. However, the NHL’s Gary Bettman will not fully recognize him nor honor him for this major sporting milestone. Baseball and other sports honestly honor their Color Barrier Breaking players such as Jackie Robinson.

Scholars say one of the most egregious examples of systemic racism against Native Americans was the Indian boarding school system. This system, which was in place from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, forcibly removed Native American children from their homes and placed them in boarding schools where they were forced to assimilate into white American culture.

These schools were often abusive and neglectful, and many Native American children died while attending them. Taffy Abel had to ‘pass’ as a white in 1905 to avoid being sent to an Indian Boarding School as well as to get into the Olympics in 1924 and the NHL in 1926.

Just like persecuted Native Americans in the United States, the persecuted European Jewish people under Hitler had 3 basic ways of surviving. “Pass as a Non-Jew” - “Run” - “Hide like Anne Franke” Hitler learned much from the USA’s systemic racism against Native Americans. Additional material here.

The United States colonialism and racism against Native Americans was Hitler’s chief inspiration. The United States was, according to the Holocaust historian Timothy Snyder, “the exemplary land empire” on which the Nazis based their vision of colonizing Eastern Europe.

And it’s not just NHL Systemic Racism against Native Americans, it is also Systemic Racism toward African Americans such as Herb Carnegie who were never allowed to play in the NHL.

Systemic Racism also manifested itself in economic discrimination against Native Americans. For example, Native Americans were often denied access to land and resources, and they were paid less than white workers for the same work. This economic discrimination made it difficult for Native Americans to achieve economic success, and it contributed to high rates of poverty and unemployment on reservations.

In addition to economic discrimination, Native Americans also faced social prejudice from white Americans. This prejudice was often based on negative stereotypes about Native Americans, such as the stereotype that they were lazy, uneducated, and violent. This prejudice made it difficult for Native Americans to integrate into mainstream American society, and it contributed to high rates of alcoholism, suicide, and domestic violence on reservations.

The Systemic Racism that Native Americans faced in the 20th century had a devastating impact on their communities. It led to high rates of poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, suicide, and domestic violence. It also eroded Native American culture and identity. In cases like Native American Taffy Abel, Native American history has been hidden in a Cultural Genocide manner by elitist white Americans.

Taffy Abel was a Winner at the 1924 Winter Olympics, in the NHL and in Life. He was a Survivor of Systemic Racism and Discrimination. White men who actively seek to diminish the accomplishments and tarnish the legacy of Taffy Abel and Native Americans should be viewed for what they are. Losers. Don’t spend a dollar on any NHL Game or with any Sponsor or Advertiser which supports the NHL.